In the 1971 neo-noir thriller Klute, director Alan J. Pakula and stars Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland explore the refuge offered by an unexpected love, along with the fears and demons that continuously tear at it. 

Fonda’s Bree Daniels is being stalked by a deranged killer, while Sutherland’s John Klute tries to protect her without falling in love with her. But Bree—a prostitute caught between her desire for a new life and her tortured acceptance of the one she has—can’t help but gravitate toward the private detective Klute, whose genuine affection confuses and intoxicates her. In the shadows is the killer—serving as the perfect backdrop for a world where vulnerability is dangerous and control is addictive. 

Klute is a film that is often taut with suspense, but manages to linger long enough to examine the motivations of lust, while expressing the power and possibilities of a strange love.

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STRANGE LOVE: Black Narcissus

So it’s 1947 and… something’s in the air. Written and directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, Black Narcissus outwardly uses breathtaking sets and cinematography

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